Domiciliary Care
A partnership between Active Aging and The Arc, Domiciliary Care is a program in which individuals can choose to live with a family in a protected living arrangement in the community when they otherwise could not live independently due to social and economic situations. Individuals in the Domiciliary Care program do not require institutional or nursing care but may have difficulty with everyday living because of their age or due to a physical, visual, or mental impairment. They also must meet financial guidelines to be eligible for the program. While many individuals in Domiciliary Care do have intellectual disabilities, it is not a requirement of the program.
Becoming A Provider:
Must 21 years or older
Be a resident
Be able to provider the required clearances
Must be able to offer a safe & nurturing environment
Must be able to assist with personal care and activities of daily living as needed
How Providers Help:
They provider nutritious meals, assistance with medication and personal care, and daily supervision. They maintain a home that meets all safety standards. They participate with a team in developing a goal plan in effort to enhance the quality of life for the individual they support.